Sunday, March 22, 2009


1. Lansing, Alfred
1994. Endurance. New York. Adventure Library.

2. Mailer, Norman
1968. The Armies of the Night. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson,

3. Roth, Phill
2004. Roth’s Portnoy’s Complaint. Philadelphia. Chelsea House Publishers.

4. Sulloway, Frank J.
1997. Born to Rebel. New York. Vintage Books

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Abortion and Teenage Pregnancy

Once, before class started I heard a classmate saying that crime rate has gone down because of abortion. This caught my attention. To many of us, it sounds kind of absurd to think that one of our kids could turn into a delinquent. The sad part is, this is so true. As time goes by, more teenage girls are getting pregnant. This is a scary thought to many of them; reason being they are young and are not ready to bring a baby to this world. Another reason for teenage "mom to be" girls to be scared is knowing that their parents will be disappointed. Because of this, they turn to abortion. Abortion is a horrific process, babies are Angels sent from heaven. I believe that "No right is more basic than the right to live. And the untimely death of a young child is among life's most awful tragedies." (Tribe 3).


Tribe, Laurence H.

1992. Abortion: the clash of absolutes. New York.