Monday, February 9, 2009

Introduction: Sleep.

For many years, researchers have discovered different ways, both positive and negative, of how sleep affects our daily life. Sleep is one of the most important activities for human individuals, since sleeping helps us to relax our body and mind. Being physically and mentally in shape helps us with daily activities such as work, and classes, as well as it improves health quality. I sleep for about eight or nine hours every night. When I sleep less than the normal amount of hours I usually do, I tend to be kind of moody after a while. On the other hand, sometimes when I feel tired and I would love to go to bed, I just cannot fall asleep quickly, and it gets me very irritated. Sometimes, I wake up a lot during the night, or I wake up really early and cannot fall back asleep for about three hours, All these reasons make me think that I might suffer insomnia; therefore, in this essay I will try to explain some of the clinical facts behind insomnia, and how sleeping helps health in general. On the other hand, I will also attempt to explain how the lack of good sleep is related to serious health issues such as obesity, and the common cold.

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